Zhi Zi Gan Jiang Tang
| | Gardenia and Ginger Decoction |
Zai Zao San
| 再造散 | Renewal Powder |
Zan Yu Dan
| | Special Pill to Aid Fertility |
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang
| 增液承氣湯 | Increases the fluids and Order the Qi Decoction |
Zeng Ye Tang
| 增液湯 | Increase the Fluids Decoction |
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
| 鎮肝熄風湯 | Sedate the Liver and Extinquish Wind Decoction |
Zhen Ling Dan
| 鎮靈丹 | Rouse The Spirit Special Pill |
Zhen Ni Bai Hu Tang
| | White Tiger Decoction to Suppress Rebellion |
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang
| 真人養臟湯 | Immortal's Decoction to Nourish the Organs |
Zhen Wu Tang
| 真武湯 | Black Turtle Decoction; True Warrior Decoction |
Zhen Zhu Mu Wan
| 珍珠母丸 | Mother of Pearl Pill |
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
| 知柏地黄丸 | Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill |
Zhi Bao Dan
| 至寶丹 | Greatest Treasure Special Pill |
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
| 炙甘草湯 | Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction |
Zhi Jing San
| 止痙散 | Stop Spasms Powder |
Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan
| 枳實導滯丸 | Immature Bitter Orange Pill to Guide out Stagnation |
Zhi Shi Gua Lou Gui Zhi Tang
| | Immature Bitter Orange, Trichosanthes Fruit, and Cinnamon Twig Decoction |
Zhi Shi Xiao Pi Wan
| 枳實消痞丸 | Immature Bitter Orange Pill to Reduce Focal Distention |
Zhi Shi Xie Bai Gui Zhi Tang
| 枳實薤白桂枝湯 | Immature Bitter Orange; Chinese Chive; and Cinnamo |
Zhi Shi Zhi Zi Chi Tang
| | Bitter Orange, Gardenia, and Prepared Soybean Decoction |
Zhi Sou San
| 止嗽散 | Stop coughing Powder |
Zhi Zhu Tang
| 枳朮湯 | Immature Bitter Orange and Atractylodes Macrocephala Decoction |
Zhi Zhu Wan
| 枳朮丸 | Immature Bitter Orange and Atractylodes Macrocephala Pill |
Zhi Zi Bai Pi Tang
| 梔子栢皮湯 | Gardenia and Phellodendron Decoction |
Zhi Zi Da Huang Tang
| | Gardenia and Rhubarb Decoction |
Zhi Zi Dou Chi Tang
| 梔子豆豉湯 | Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction |
Zhi Zi Gan Cao Chi Tang
| | Gardenia, Licorice, and Prepared Soybean Decoction |
Zhi Zi Hou Po Tang
| | Gardenia and Magnolia Bark Decoction |
Zhi Zi Sheng Jiang Chi Tang
| | Gardenia, Fresh Ginger, and Prepared Soybean Decoction |
Zhong Man Fen Xiao Tang
| 中滿分消湯 | Separate and Reduce Fullness in the Middle Decoction |
Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan
| 中滿分消丸 | Separate and Reduce Fullness in the Middle Pill |
Zhou Che Wan
| 舟車丸 | Vessel and Vehicle Pill |
Zhu Jing Wan
| | Preserve Vistas Pill |
Zhu Ling Tang
| 豬苓湯 | Polyporus Decoction |
Zhu Sha An Shen Wan
| 朱砂安神丸 | Cinnabar Pill to Calm the Spirit |
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
| 竹葉石膏湯 | Lophatherus and Gypsum Decoction |
Zi Shen Tong Guan Wan
| | Enrich the Kidneys and Open the Gates Pill |
Zi Xue Dan
| 紫雪丹 | Purple Snow Special Pill |
Zuo Gui Wan
| 左歸丸 | Restore the Left (Kidney) Pill. |
Zuo Gui Yin
| 左歸飲 | Restore the Left (Kidney) Decoction |
Zuo Jin Wan
| 左金丸 | Left Metal pill |