Forum: Case Studies

Discuss any cases with the community here. Please remember to keep personal information private regarding patients.

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Added ''Post'' '''Prolonged needle pain in some patients''' to forum "Case Studies" on ''5/27/2010''
"I have a TCM style and find I get great results. For musculoskeletal issues I needle deep, get the qi or grab and twist to secure. The majority of patients get a huge benefit from this. But lately I've had 3 people who have been worse with it and I don't know why or what to do about it. Do any of you have feedback/advice/suggestions for this type of person in the clinic? "
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Added ''Post'' '''Restless Leg Syndrome''' to forum "Case Studies" on ''2/3/2009''
"I am interested in hearing others' syndrome differentiations of this disorder...Thanks"
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Added ''Post'' '''brain damage''' to forum "Case Studies" on ''12/29/2008''
"Hi, I have a patient who suffered brain damage 17 yrs. ago. The main problem facing him is bowel movement due to his paralysis. He had part of his frontal lobe removed and no spinal damage. I have tried many combinations with little success, please advise. Alex"
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Added ''Post'' '''toe sores case''' to forum "Case Studies" on ''2/10/2008''
"Hi all~ I have a patient with an interesting case. I am not sure if I am approaching it from the right angle. Any & all feedback and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!

Male, 51 yoa c/c: sores on toes, occurs every Feb. and lasts until around May. Has had this for 10+ years. These sores are painful, itchy, hot, irritated. They begin as small, light red circles about 1cm wide, and after about a week a small lighter center circle emerges (w/red border)- feels like a thorn is in the center. Then it fades away as does the itching/pn/irritation. As some are fading new ones are emerging. His doc has run numerous studies: biopsies, coagulation tests, circulation tests, all are (-). He has even been the subject of a specialty panel which consisted of several experts (mostly dermatologists) in Santa Barbara and no one knew what his condition was.

Symptom exacerbated when he had the flu a few weeks ago. In Feb, his demands at work are significantly..."

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Added ''Post'' '''Heel pain, etc...''' to forum "Case Studies" on ''10/2/2007''
"So I guess I am starting this forum, and I mentioned the Richard Tan website forum, which I am a big fan of. It is usually used as an advice type forum where people write in with cases they are working on. Of course in that forum they are mostly talking about balance method acupuncture, along with some Master Tung(Tong) and wrist/ankle. I had a patient yesterday for example who complained of right heel/calf pain ( around foot Taiyang/UB on the calf and heel around UB60 ). She was having a hard time walking up the stairs to my office. With Richard Tans style of acupuncture, you don't take a pulse unless you need more info ( like for internal medicine complaints). We mainly just palpate corresponding meridians and points for tenderness. I chose to use some Balance Method (BM) and Master tong points:

On the left hand - Mu Guan and Gu Guan ( 2 points on the palm for heel pain) Du 20 ( good for any foot pain) SI4 ashi Si7 Lu6

On the right foot- Ki3 Ki9.5 (ashi..."

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