I Speak English, Italian, Some Sanskrit and some Spanish.
Male , born on 11/15/1979
Albuquerque , Nm   United States

Favorite Herb: Wu Ling Zhi
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Sheep
Activities: Weight lifting, gardening, yoga, biking, hanging out with my cat, reading, making lots of flash cards of Chinese herbs, poetry, currently in grad school taking 22 credit- hrs, music, chess, meeting people, studying to be a DOM far too frequently.
Interests: See above...i am interested in the aforementioned, the Italian language, the Sanskrit language, tree- climbing, random pursuits of adventure, drinking mate, and watching stupid shows on Netflicks.
When Not On, I am... In school at Southwest Acupuncture College, working out, studying, being adventurous, biking, spending time with the love of my life Danielle, or hanging with my cat Emma.




About half- way through school, have some time yet before I take my Nationals, then off to Vermont...or back to Italia.