Dorian G. Kramer is a graduate from The New School for Holistic Medicine and Research in New York with a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine, and holds a NH State license in Acupuncture, and is a NCCAOM certified Chinese Herbal Diplomate. He is trained in Japanese Meridian Therapy, Shakuju, Shonishin or Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture, Dr. Manakas style of Acupuncture, the Hari system of Japanese acupuncture, the NADA protocol and Classical Chinese Herbal medicine. Dorian maintains a full-time practice in Conway NH at 24 Pleasant St. in the T. Murray Wellness Center. Dorian also provides end-stage treatment to clients of the Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care Service. He is the Director of Alternative Therapies for the Mount Washington Valley Addiction Treatment Solutions (MWVATS) of which he is one of the founders, and serves as the Vice-President of the NHAAMA. Dorian has a background in emergency medicine working as an EMT with FDNY-EMS for 10 years and brings this to his volunteer position as a member of the search and rescue team for Mount Washington and the Carroll County Public Health Network. In addition, he is an avid practitioner and holder of a blacksash in two styles of internal martial arts, Xing Yi Quan and Ba Ji Quan, and teaches as well as practicing multiple forms of Qi-Gong.
Dorian G. Kramer can be reached at 603-986-7366 or e-mailed at