Bill Lehr, L.Ac., C.A., is a nationally certified acupuncture practitioner and is licensed in New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. He is a graduate of the Eastern School of Acupuncture in Montclair, NJ, where he was trained in Kiiko Matsumoto's Japanese Acupuncture, TCM, and Five Elements acupuncture. He has extensive experience treating injuries related to auto accidents, allergies, stress-related conditions, women's issues, infertility, migraines, and pain among other conditions.
Bill's knowledge of the East does not stop at his acupuncture training. He lived in Kyoto and Otsu, Japan, for 10 years where he became fluent in Japanese. (He sometimes teaches this as well.)While in Kyoto he studied Tao Shiatsu with Ryokyu Endo. This was a key experience leading him to consider studying acupuncture as the theory of the two are based on the same principles.Bill is also very interested in the health benefits of Asian movement and meditation systems such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Aikido and practices them often. He earned a 2nd degree black belt in Aikido in Kyoto, Japan in 1999.Bill earned his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1987.