Boise , Idaho   United States
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Element: Fire
Zodiac: Pig
Interests: Nutrition, reading, writing, swimming, martial arts, Chinese medicine, evolutionary consciousness.
When Not On, I am... Teaching Chinese Medicine and Holistic Nutrition and playing with my daughter

Organizations: American Organization for the Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA)


April Crowell is a practitioner and teacher of Amma Therapy, Chinese Medicine and Holistic health with more than 15 years experience.

Since graduating in 1994, she has taught and now serves as Provost and lead-instructor at the Wellspring School for Healing Arts (WSHA) in the Amma Therapy program. She also teaches classes in the Wholistic Nutrition Program and a variety of classes for clients and the community. An enthusiastic instructor, she encourages students not merely to learn techniques, but rather to embrace the holistic lifestyle that Amma embodies and to continue their own growth. April offers private therapy services including: Amma Therapy, Holistic Nutrition and Holistic lifestyle guidance at Pulse Holistic Health.

April is a Certified Instructor (American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia), Diplomate of Asian Bodywork Therapy (NCCAOM National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), and a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. She holds a black belt in Won-Hop Loong Chuan and has trained in Aikido, T’ai Chi Chuan, Qigong and several forms of meditation.

Recognizing that self-improvement is fundamental to being able to serve others as a healthcare provider, April is furthering her own education. She passionately believes that Chinese medicine and holistic healthcare are excellent avenues for wellbeing and the evolution of consciousness on the planet.