I Speak English
, born on 9/14/1951
United Kingdom
Travel, Food & Wine, Art, Cooking, Target shooting, Listening to music, Theatre going (musicals), Online business
Food & Wine, People and places, Interesting cars, Jazz, Helping others in business
When Not On, I am...
Relaxing, Helping my clients and business partners or sleeping
I live in the UK and recently became involved with the world of acupuncture through my introduction to a product range which uses the stimulation of acupuncture points using non-transdermal patches to provide small signals.
While I was naturally sceptical about such products giving the results they claimed, I found that the majority of people did actually benefit and the number of positive testimonials supported this.
Although the placement of these patches is not as critical as with acupunture needles I felt it was important to learn as much as I could about the placement sites to maximise the success rate for my business colleagues and customers.
Rootdown was by far the best site I could find on the web, and the interactive map is a fantastic resource.
Thank you