Yu Nu Jian
玉女煎 yù nǔ jiān, "Jade Woman Decoction"

Translated Name: Jade Woman Decoction
Clear Heat from the Organs

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Components (5):
 HerbCommon NameQuantityUnit
石膏 Shi Gao gypsum 15 - 30 grams
熟地黄 Shu Di Huang cooked rehmannia root, prepared Chinese foxglove root 9 - 30 grams
麥門冬 Mai Men Dong ophiopogon tuber 6 - 9 grams
知母 Zhi Mu anemarrhena rhizome 3 - 6 grams
懷牛膝 Huai Niu Xi achyranthes root 3 - 6 grams
Dry, Red color with yellow coating.

Depth: Superficial (Floating)
Qualities: Deficient (Xu, Weak, Empty), Excess (Shi, Strong, Full), Rolling (Slippery)
Contraindicated in cases with diarrhea
Reference Source
Reference Source:
Collected Treatises of (Zhang) Jing Yue  Browse


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'''Add Herb Han Lian Cao''' '''Add Herb Nu Zhen Zi''': For severe yin deficiency with mild fire in the Stomach - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p95 details...
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'''Add Herb Mu Dan Pi''' '''Add Herb Bai Mao Gen''': When bleeding is the primary symptom, double the dosage of Shi Gao and Niu Xi and add the other herbs - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p95 details...
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'''Add Herb Sha Shen''' '''Add Herb Shi Hu''': For a dark purple tongue with no coat - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p95 details...
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'''Add Herb Wu Wei Zi''': For profuse sweating and severe thirst - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p95 details...
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