Yi Qi Cong Ming Tang
益氣聰明湯 (益气聪明汤) yì qì cōng míng tāng, "Augment the Qi and Increase Acuity Decoction"

Translated Name: Augment the Qi and Increase Acuity Decoction
Tonify the Qi

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Components (8):
 HerbCommon NameQuantityUnit
蔓荊子 Man Jing Zi vitex fruit, vitex seed 4.5 grams
葛根 Ge Gen kudzu root, pueraria 9 grams
升麻 Sheng Ma bugbane rhizome, cimicifuga, black cohosh rhizome 9 grams
黃栢 Huang Bai amur cork tree bark, phellodendron bark 30 grams
人蔘 Ren Shen ginseng root 15 grams
黃耆 Huang Qi astragalus root, milk-vetch root, milkvetch root 15 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 15 grams
白芍 Bai Shao white peony root, peony 30 grams
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Reference Source
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Explanation of the Subtleties of the Original Mechanism  Browse


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'''Remove Herb Ren Shen''' '''Add Herb Dang Shen''': Dang Shen is generally substituted for Ren Shen at 2-3 times the dosage. - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
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