Huo Xue Zhi Tong San
, "Move Blood Stop Pain Powder"

Translated Name: Move Blood Stop Pain Powder
Formulas for External Therapies

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Components (14):
 HerbCommon NameQuantityUnit
羌活 Qiang Huo notopterygium root, chiang-huo 15 grams
白芷 Bai Zhi angelica root 15 grams
土茯苓 Tu Fu Ling glabrous greenbrier rhizome, smilax, smooth greenbrier rhizome, smilax 15 grams
威靈仙 Wei Ling Xian Chinese clematis root, clematis 15 grams
五加皮 Wu Jia Pi Eleutherococcus root bark, acanthopanax root bark 15 grams
川楝子 Chuan Lian Zi toosendan fruit, Sichuan chinabery, Sichuan Pagoda tree 15 grams
薑黄 Jiang Huang turmeric rhizome 15 grams
紅花 Hong Hua safflower flower, carthamus 15 grams
乳香 Ru Xiang frankincense, gum olibanum, mastic 6 grams
川牛膝 Chuan Niu Xi cyathula root 15 grams
蘇木 Su Mu sappan wood 15 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 15 grams
花椒 Hua Jiao Sichuan pepper, zanthoxylum, Chinese prickly-ash 6 grams
透骨草 Tou Gu Cao Garden Balsam 30 grams
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Reference Source
Reference Source:
Complete External Therapies of Chinese Drugs  Browse


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