Modification to bā zhēn tāng

Ba Zhen Tang
(Eight Treasure Decoction)


Ba Zhen Tang Yi Mu Cao Benefits the uterus Regulates menstruation

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
生薑 Sheng Jiang fresh ginger rhizome 3 pieces
茯苓 Fu Ling poria, sclerotium of tuckahoe, China root, hoelen, Indian bread 12 - 15 grams
川芎 Chuan Xiong Sichuan lovage root, cnidium, chuanxiong root 6 - 9 grams
人蔘 Ren Shen ginseng root 6 - 9 grams
白术 Bai Zhu (white) atratylodes rhizome, ovate atractylodes, angelica root 9 - 12 grams
大棗 Da Zao jujube, Chinese date 2 pieces
熟地黄 Shu Di Huang cooked rehmannia root, prepared Chinese foxglove root 15 - 18 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 12 - 15 grams
白芍 Bai Shao white peony root, peony 12 - 15 grams
炙甘草 Zhi Gan Cao Honey Prepared Licorice 3 - 6 grams
added 益母草 Yi Mu Cao Chinese motherwort, leonurus 120 - 90 grams