Modification to shēng huà tāng

Sheng Hua Tang
(Generation and Transformation Decoction )

''Modification:'' For failure of the uterus to resume it's normal size post partum - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p324

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
川芎 Chuan Xiong Sichuan lovage root, cnidium, chuanxiong root 9 grams
桃仁 Tao Ren peach kernel, persica 6 - 9 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 24 grams
炙甘草 Zhi Gan Cao Honey Prepared Licorice 1.5 grams
炮姜 Pao Jiang Prepared Dried Ginger Rhizome 1.5 grams
added 益母草 Yi Mu Cao Chinese motherwort, leonurus