Modification to zǔo guī yǐn

Zuo Gui Yin
(Restore the Left (Kidney) Decoction)

''Modification:'' For blood stasis - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p266

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
茯苓 Fu Ling poria, sclerotium of tuckahoe, China root, hoelen, Indian bread 6 grams
山藥 Shan Yao dioscorea rhizome, Chinese yam 6 grams
熟地黄 Shu Di Huang cooked rehmannia root, prepared Chinese foxglove root 6 - 60 grams
枸杞子 Gou Qi Zi lycium fruit, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine fruit, goji berry 6 grams
山茱萸 Shan Zhu Yu Asiatic cornelian cherry fruit, cornus 3 - 6 grams
炙甘草 Zhi Gan Cao Honey Prepared Licorice 3 grams
added 牡丹皮 Mu Dan Pi moutan root bark, tree peony root bark