Modification to zhì gān cǎo tāng

Zhi Gan Cao Tang
(Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction)

''Modification:'' For lung atrophy, reduce the dosage or omit

Gui Zhi and remove Sheng Jiang - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p258

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
桂枝 Gui Zhi (Saigon) cinnamon twig, cassia twig 9 grams
生地黃 Sheng Di Huang Chinese foxglove root, rehmannia (fresh),Rehmannia root 24 grams
火麻仁 Huo Ma Ren hemp seeds, canabis seeds, linum 9 grams
人蔘 Ren Shen ginseng root 6 grams
大棗 Da Zao jujube, Chinese date 5 - 10 pieces
阿膠 E Jiao ass-hide glue, donkey-hide gelatin, gelatin 6 grams
麥門冬 Mai Men Dong ophiopogon tuber 9 grams
炙甘草 Zhi Gan Cao Honey Prepared Licorice 12 grams
added 百部 Bai Bu stemona root
added 蛤蚧 Ge Jie gecko
added 生薑 Sheng Jiang fresh ginger rhizome